Privacy Policy

Delta Facebook Pixels,Tiktok Pixels, Inc. and its group of companies ("Delta Facebook Pixels,Tiktok Pixels", "we", "us" or "our") are committed to protecting the privacy of individuals who visit Our Website (as defined below) (“Visitors”, including you). This Website Privacy Policy (“Policy”) sets out how We collect and process personal information about Visitors when user install Delta Facebook Pixels,Tiktok Pixels and its subdomains and such other sites as may be designated by Delta Facebook Pixels,Tiktok Pixels (collectively, the "Service"). Please note that for the purposes of EU data protection legislation, Delta Facebook Pixels,Tiktok Pixels is the controller of Visitors’ personal information.

This Policy does not cover:

1. Information We Collect

Visitors may give Us personal information through Our Website, for example, when Visitors make inquiries about Our products and Services, sign up for a free trial, contact Us for support, obtain a quote or consultation, or to explore career opportunities with Us, or when Visitors sign up for an online account or marketing communications. We may ask Visitors to provide specific information set out in an online inquiry form (for example, name, contact details, company name, country, monthly visitors volume, billing information, profile information, etc). Alternatively, Visitors may choose to provide additional information when Visitors communicate with Us or otherwise interact with Us, and We will keep copies of any such communications that Visitors send to Us for Our records.

Information We Collect Automatically through the Website and Services: We may also collect certain information through Our Website and Services by automated means such as IP addresses, browser type and operating system, referring URLs, information about Visitors visit including the URL clickstream to, through and from Our Website, download errors, number of Website visits, and other page interactions. We collect this information automatically through the use of various commonly used information-gathering technologies including cookies and web beacons, to collect information as users and Visitors navigate the Website and use the Services (“Web Site Navigational Information”). We use these technologies to analyze trends, administer Web sites and Services, track users’ and Visitors’ movements around Our Website and Services, serve targeted advertisements and gather demographic information about Our user and Visitor base as a whole.

2. Use of Information

We may use the information We collect through Our Website for a range of reasons including to:

Legal Basis for Processing (EEA Individuals Only): If Visitors are from the European Economic Area (“EEA”), Our legal basis for collecting and using the personal information described above will depend on the personal information concerned and the specific context in which We collect it.

However, We will normally collect personal information from Visitors only where We have Visitors’ consent to do so, where We need the personal information to perform a contract with Visitors, or where the processing is in Our legitimate interests and not overridden by Visitors’ data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. In some cases, We may also have a legal obligation to collect the personal information in question.

If we ask Visitors to provide personal information to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with Visitors, We will make this clear at the relevant time and advise Visitors whether the provision of Visitors’ personal information is mandatory or not (as well as of the possible consequences if Visitors do not provide Visitors’ personal information).

Similarly, if We collect and use Visitors’ personal information in reliance on Our or a third party's legitimate interests and those interests are not already listed above, We will make clear to Visitors at the relevant time what those legitimate interests are.

If Visitors have questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis on which We collect and use Visitors’ personal information, please contact Us using the contact details provided under the "How to Contact Us" section below.

3. Information We Share

We may share and disclose Visitors’ personal information to third parties in the following circumstances:

4. Third Party Sites

Our Website may contain links to other websites which are outside Our control and are not covered by this Policy. While We try to link only to websites that share Our standards for privacy, We are not responsible for the content, security or privacy practices employed by other websites. If Visitors access other websites using the links provided, the operators of these websites may collect information from Visitors which will be used by them in accordance with their privacy policy, which may differ from Ours.

Delta Facebook Pixels,Tiktok Pixels may provide bulletin boards, blogs, or chat rooms on the Website. Any personal information Visitors choose to submit in such a forum may be read, collected, or used by others who visit these forums, and may be used to send Visitors unsolicited messages. We are not responsible for the personal information Visitors choose to submit in these forums.

On some pages of Our Website, such as Our blog, third parties may provide applications or plug-ins through Our Website which may track Visitors’ use of content, applications or plug-ins, or may customize content, applications and plug-ins for Visitors. For example, when Visitors share a post on Our blog using a social media sharing button (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn), the social network that has created the button will record that Visitors have done this. If Visitors do not want the social network to collect this information about Visitors, then Visitors are advised to not use this feature.

5. Information About International Transfers

Visitors’ personal information may be stored and processed by Us in any country where We have facilities or where We engage service providers, and by reading this Policy Visitors acknowledge that Visitors’ personal information may be transferred to countries outside of Visitors’ country of residence, including the United States, which may have different data protection rules to those of Visitors’ country. Where We do so, Our collection, storage and use of Visitors’ personal information will be in accordance with the purposes set out in this Policy.

For personal information We receive from the EEA and Switzerland, Delta Facebook Pixels,Tiktok Pixels, Inc. participates and complies with the EU-US and Swiss-US Privacy Shield Framework as set forth by the US Department of Commerce. Visitors can find out more about Our commitment to the Privacy Shield Principles in Our “Notice of Privacy Shield. If there is any conflict between the terms of this Privacy Policy and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Privacy Shield Principles shall govern.

We will ensure that where other non-EEA affiliates or third-party service providers receive personal information outside of the EEA, that they too commit to provide the same level of protection as the Privacy Shield Principles.

More information about upcoming changes to international transfers under EU data protection laws is available by visiting our “GDPR page”.

6. Sensitive Data

Delta Facebook Pixels,Tiktok Pixels does not knowingly solicit or collect, and Visitors should not provide, any information regarding Visitors’ medical or health condition, race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or other Sensitive Data, as such term is defined in the Delta Facebook Pixels,Tiktok Pixels Terms of Service.

7. Visitors’ Choices and Opt-Outs

Visitors can opt out of receiving marketing emails from Us at any time, or opt out from having Visitors’ contact information shared with third parties for direct marketing purposes. Visitors can opt out of Our marketing emails by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of Our marketing messages. Also, all opt-out requests can be made by emailing Us at Please note that it may take up to 3 days to remove Visitors’ contact information from Our marketing communications lists, so Visitors may receive correspondence from Us for a short time after Visitors make a request.

Please note that some communications (such as service messages, account notifications, billing information) are considered transactional and necessary for account management and Visitors cannot opt out of these messages unless Visitors request to deactivate their Delta Facebook Pixels,Tiktok Pixels account.

8. Other Data Rights

Delta Facebook Pixels,Tiktok Pixels takes reasonable steps to ensure that the data We collect is reliable for its intended use, accurate, complete and up to date. Visitors can email Us at if Visitors wish to access, correct, amend or delete any personal information that We hold about Visitors and We will consider Visitors’ request in accordance with applicable laws. Visitors from certain territories (such as the European Union) may have additional rights under their data protection laws, such as the following:

Visitors can exercise the above rights by writing to Us using the contact details in Section 13 below and We will consider such requests in accordance with applicable data protection laws. We may ask Visitors to verify Visitors’ identity before We respond to a Visitors’ request.

Visitors also have the right to raise questions or complaints with Visitors’ data protection authority at any time.

9. Visitors’ California Privacy Rights

California law provides that California residents have a right to request that businesses tell them how their personally identifiable information has been shared with third parties for those third parties’ direct marketing purposes. However, there is an exception to this requirement for businesses that have adopted and disclosed, in their privacy policy, a policy of not disclosing a person’s personally identifiable information to third parties for those third parties’ direct marketing purposes if that person has exercised an option to opt-out of the disclosure of their personally identifiable information to third parties for such purposes.

Delta Facebook Pixels,Tiktok Pixels has adopted a policy of allowing Visitors to opt-out of the disclosure of Visitors’ personally identifiable information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes and thus falls within this exception. Instructions for opting out can be found in the section entitled found in the Choice and Opt-Out section above.

10. Retention of Visitors’ Personal Information

We will retain Visitors’ personal information for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law, for legal, tax or regulatory reasons, or other lawful purposes. Where We have no ongoing legitimate business need to process Visitors’ personal information, We will either delete or anonymize it or, if this is not possible (for example, because Visitors’ personal information has been stored in backup archives), then We will securely store Visitors’ personal information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible.

11. Updates to This Policy

We reserve the right to change or update this Policy from time to time. If material changes are made, We will place a prominent notice on Our Website for at least 30 days prior to the change taking effect, and will update the last revised date at the top of this Policy. We encourage Visitors to regularly check back on this page to ensure Visitors are up to date with any changes.

12. How to Contact Us

If Visitors have any questions or concerns regarding the use or disclosure of Visitors’ personal information, Visitors can contact Us by sending an email to